Becoming a VIP MEMBER

To access our EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION, you must become a vip member. Before you become a vip member you must first sign up to become a normal cluthes member. Once you have an account, you can obtain your vip status by purchasing any two of our products yearly. Vip status will renew yearly from when you bought the items, meaning whenever you buy 2 products from us, your vip status will be automatically renewed for next year on the same date.
*Purchases can be made separately. Once you have purchased your second item with us, your vip status will automatically begin*
  • Access to our exclusive collection products only available to those with vip status
  • Receive emails about upcoming products before anyone else
  • Access to upcoming products one week before others in our exclusive
  • Get special discounts for each seasons releases


If you do not purchase at least 2 products yearly from the time of your purchase, you will lose your vip status and access to our exclusive products along with knowledge of releases beforehand and special discounts.